We the Future Social Justice Conference 2023

Christian Smalls portraitFebruary 9, 2023, Petaluma, CA—Santa Rosa Junior College (SRJC) and North Bay Organizing Project (NBOP) will partner once more for the sixth annual We the Future Social Justice Conference, held at SRJC Petaluma on Friday April 21st, 2023, from 9am to 2pm.  This event is free and open to everyone. The conference offers consciousness-raising workshops throughout the day, presented by activists working on a variety of issues.

The event opens at 9:30 am with a special keynote speaker Christian Smalls, who is the founder and president of the Amazon Labor Union, an independent, democratic, worker-led labor union at Amazon in Staten Island. He is also the founder of The Congress of Essential Workers (TCOEW), a nationwide collective of essential workers and allies fighting for better working conditions, better wages, and a better world. Smalls has been profiled by media outlets worldwide, including The New York Times, USA Today, The Guardian, The Wall Street Journal, CNBC, CBC Radio, Salon, and Jacobin.

This year’s theme, “Justice for the Generations: The New Realities of Work, School, and Identity,” emerges from the efforts to create a new and equitable future for all. The conference will explore the motivations and philosophies driving campaigns both nationally and globally for flexible and supportive working environments that promote justice, equity, access, community care, and sustainability in all aspects of life for current and future generations.

Space is limited. Register by April 7 to guarantee a spot. If you are interested in proposing a workshop, volunteering, or tabling, visit the We the Future conference website: wethefuture.santarosa.edu.

This event is funded in part by the Santa Rosa Junior College Foundation.

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