District Monthly Updates - September 2024

Submitted by achetcuti on

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September 12, 2024
Dear SRJC Community, 

We are one month into the Fall semester, and I hope that you have been able to engage in some of the recent activities designed to engage with the community. Last week, I connected with many SRJC donors and community members at the President’s Address. The Foundation coordinated a terrific event at the Burbank Auditorium where I reinforced our commitment to our Institutional Priorities and our vision for the future. I also had the pleasure of honoring SRJC Superintendent/President Emeritus, Dr. Frank Chong, with the 2024 President’s Medallion and unveiling his presidential portrait. It is now on display in the 4th floor Quiet Room in the Doyle Library alongside previous Superintendent/Presidents’ portraits.

Student Enrollment Data: Helping students find their way and succeed in reaching their goals is our number one priority.  For this Fall semester, enrollment numbers continue to increase year-over-year – with a 5.7% increase in credit course enrollment.  The number of students accessing SRJC through concurrent enrollment is up 25.8%.  The number of continuing students has increased by 7.4% and we are seeing enrollment increases at Petaluma (23%) and at Shone Farm (12%). Students of all ages and throughout the county continue to look at, and trust SRJC as a partner in helping them achieve their academic and career aspirations. 

Hispanic Heritage/Herencia Month: In September, we recognize the start of Herencia with events that promote indigenous and Latine cultures at SRJC. There is a lineup of engagement activities throughout the month. Herencia also coincides with the observance of National Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) Week, as recognized by the Department of Education. This week-long celebration recognizes the work colleges around the country are doing to empower and service Latino/a/x students to achieve their educational goals. SRJC is proud to have the HSI designation since 2014 and will recognize HSI Week during the week of September 16th with unique workshops and special events. I would like to thank colleagues and students for their work in creating the cultural learning experiences for us to embrace our “Servingness” as an HSI. I would also like to share news that SRJC has been awarded our 4th HSI Grant, “Transformando,” aimed at enhancing SRJCs ability to serve our growing Latino/a/x and underrepresented student populations. 

There is so much to be proud of as a member of the SRJC community. I am grateful for this community that encourages and invites us all to learn, grow and to be our true, authentic selves.  

Office of the President
  • Held President’s Cabinet and Management Team Retreats
  • Held the last of regular faculty interviews teaching in Fall 2024
  • Participated in PDA Day and introduced 2024-25 Priorities
  • Participated in new faculty orientation
  • Presented at Leadership Windsor on Leadership Standards of Excellence
  • Held individual employee listening sessions at Shone Farm which are now finalized
  • Held the first Pop Up with the President at Shone Farm
  • Attended the following events:
    • Police Academy Graduation;
    • Sonoma Advisory Board Summer Social;
    • Superintendent Convening organized by SCOE and CTE Foundation
Academic Affairs
  • The new Construction Training Center (CTC): The new CTC) on the Petaluma Campus successfully opened to students on August 19th. There are 247 enrollments (duplicated) in construction-related courses at the new facility, including 73 unique students in the new Carpentry Fundamentals Program in Adult Education. SRJC is also partnering with several local nonprofits working to bring more young people into the construction trades. The CTC facility project was funded by the U.S. Economic Development Administration and local match funds from philanthropic donors including major donors: Tipping Point Foundation, Bank of America, Mendocino Companies, Friedman’s Home Improvement, Golden State Lumber and Building Materials, and one Anonymous donation. The ribbon cutting ceremony for the Construction Training Center is scheduled for Friday, October 11th, at 3pm.  
  • SRJC Athletics, with the support of President Dr. Garcia, VPAA Robert Holcomb and the Foundation has started Intercollegiate Women’s Wrestling.  The Women’s Wrestling team will compete in their inaugural season this Spring 2025 in the Big 8 Conference.  The women’s wrestling program will be led by Head Coach of the Men’s Program Fred Duerr. 


Student Services 
  • We are off to a great start for the fall semester with all the various Welcome Activities that promote access to resources, a welcoming, fun and interactive environment for students and staff at SRJC. 
    • Welcome Day at Santa Rosa campus on Aug 15 was well attended with 660+ student check-ins, 450+ registered downloads of the MySRJCApp, and 450 estimated student ID cards made.  486 ratings from students recorded (73.6% response rate) via MySRJCApp, with an average score of 4.5 out of 5 stars. Some student comments: “Awesome day! A great day to interact with resources and clubs” “Super great time! the vendors were all great and lots of helpful info” “My Experience today was awesome seeing my classes and the campus” 
    • Super Saturday at Santa Rosa on Aug. 17 saw a slow but steady flow of traffic at the various Student Services offices 
    • Welcome and Wayfinding tables were positioned at various locations of the Santa Rosa Campus to assist students in finding their class on Monday, Tues, and Wed of the first week of school.  With over 800+ student interactions and service of free coffee for students and staff. 
    • Welcome Day and Saturday Services at Petaluma campus on August 17 were a great success, attracting over 400 guests. The event, which featured a conference-style format, resource fair, and various services, provided an ideal opportunity to "Welcome, Guide, and Engage" students. According to workshop surveys, 97% of attendees reported feeling "more comfortable and connected to campus" and "more confident in their success for the fall semester." The event was made possible by the dedicated efforts of SRJC student leaders, classified professionals from across the district, and Petaluma faculty. 
    • Welcome Day at Shone Farm had an Ice Cream Social and a resource fair to provide information to students.  With a beautiful sunny day and great panoramic views, Rosco was happy to make an appearance. 
    • Welcome Day at PSTC was on Sept 4, Latinx Bienvenida on Sept 18 and Welcome Day at Roseland on Sept 28.  
    • International Students celebrated the start of the fall semester with their Welcome Day in the SAC on the first Friday of school. 
  • SRJC Launches 7 Dual Enrollment Courses Across 5 High Schools for Fall 2024:
    This semester, SRJC has launched seven College & Career Pathway (CCAP) Dual Enrollment courses at five local high schools: 
    • Cloverdale HS: 2 Child Growth & Development (CHLD 10) courses 
    • Windsor HS: Emergency Medical Responder (EMC 100) 
    • Elsie Allen HS: Strategies for College Success (COUN 53) 
    • Credo HS: Basic Drafting Skills (APTECH 45) 
    • Analy HS: Basic Animal Science (ANSCI 20) & Introduction to Agriculture Business & Management (AGBUS 56) 
  • Exciting New Transportation Initiative for SRJC Students: SRJC Student Discount 31-Day Pass:
    Student Life & Cultural Programs, in partnership with SRJC Bookstores, is pleased to introduce a new transportation initiative for our students. We are excited to offer the SRJC Student Discount 31-Day Pass for just $50.00. This pass will provide unlimited travel on the SMART Train for 31 days and is available to all currently enrolled SRJC students. Passes are limited and will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. In addition, SRJC students can continue to enjoy free rides on Santa Rosa City Bus and Sonoma County Transit with a current validation sticker on their Student ID card. Petaluma Transit rides are also currently free for all students. 


Finance & Administrative Services
  • Capital and Facilities Projects August Update– We gave an update on the Projects to the Board of Trustees. 
  • At the August meeting, the Board of Trustees approved a resolution to declare its intent to grant easements and land to the City of Santa Rosa for the Highway 101 Bicycle and Pedestrian overcrossing. This gave us approval to move forward with the public notification of this project and the resolution for final approval will be heard by the Board at the September meeting. This project has been in the works for many years and we are excited to be able to take this next step to making the overcrossing a reality. 
Human Resources 
  • Courageous Leaders Academy Year 3 Cohort application period was Aug 22-Sept 6. (Now closed). The focus for this cohort will be on Creating a Culture of Care.  
  • Human Resources staff members have worked with District representatives on processing and onboarding 154 employees beginning this Fall semester.    
  • With support from the President’s Office, Human Resources staff coordinated and implemented Fall 2024 Professional Development Activities (PDA) Day. In addition to the plenary program presentation, approximately 73 presenters put on a successful array of 47 workshops for the professional development of Associate Faculty, Contract Faculty, Classified and Management. Both Online and in-person, this Fall PDA saw an overwhelming participation of 300+ attendees.  


  • The Foundation is supporting Shone Farm with the production of the Fall Festival on Saturday, October 12 (10am-3pm) https://give.santarosa.edu/event/shone-farm-fall-fest-2024/e596162.We are helping to generate sponsorships for the Festival. We would like to thank the following sponsors for their support of the Shone Farm Fall Festival: American AgCredit, The Halter Project, Sonoma Co. Winegrowers, Lindley Cattle Company, Balletto Vineyards, Cold Creek Compost, Bahco Tools, and J Vineyards & Winery.
  • We are excited that the SRJC Foundation Board will include a student representative this year for the first time. As we continue to ground our work in community centric principles, it is important to bring student voices into the work that we do. We had a very successful student internship program in 2023-24 and we will have a second paid intern this year, in addition to the Student Director serving on the Foundation Board. 


Institutional Effectiveness, Research and Planning
  • Provided Student Learning Outcome (SLO) data to faculty in support of DDAD and addressing our Accreditation requirement.
  • Provided faculty with guidelines and consultation for analyzing student learning outcomes (SLOs) to ensure meaningful department conversations on identifying strategies to support student learning.

In Community,
Dr. Garcia

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