District Monthly Updates - June 2024

Submitted by achetcuti on

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June 12, 2024

Dear SRJC Community,

I am pleased to share with you the District updates that were provided to the Board of Trustees at the June meeting last night.

As a reminder, you will receive these updates from me following the monthly Board of Trustees meeting to celebrate the accomplishments and successes of our colleagues across the District for the previous month. These updates are a chance for you to learn more about the excellent programs, services, initiatives, events, and work we undertake in support of our students. 


Office of the President
  • Joined Andrew Bradford, President/CEO of the Santa Rosa Symphony; Keven Brown of Corricks; Chris Coursey, Sonoma County Board of Supervisors; and Mindi Levine, Morning Show Host at KRSH Radio for an SRJC Orchestra performance 
  • Provided keynote for the Los Cien event on LGBTQIA + Spotlight 
  • Attended the following events: 
  • We The Future Conference  
  • Annual Scholarship Luncheon  
  • Indigenous Social Gathering 
  • Retirement Reception hosted by the President’s Office 
  • Bear Cubs Golf Tournament and Hall of Fame Dinner 
  • MENAA Student Club event
  • Faculty Recognition Event 
  • 2024 Leaders of the North Bay Awards 
  • Various athletic events and the spring student athlete banquet 
  • Multiple graduation celebrations including the CE Celebration and 105th Graduation Commencement  


Academic Affairs 
  • The Career Hub partnered with Avanzando, MESA, and HOPE to host a STEM and Health Sciences Career Fair in the Lindley Center Quad. Over 30 employers interacted with hundreds of attending students interested in networking, job opportunities, and information from public and private companies and government organizations.
  •  The Career Ed Office hosted it’s 9th annual Celebrate CE on Friday, May 24th.  This event was one of the most successful in its 9 year history with over 400 certificate earners and 1100+ members of their family/friends who were there in attendance for a night of celebration, applause, and accolades!   
  • We had a state champion, Ethan Dierke, in the 400meter hurdles and we set a new school record in the 4X100 on the men’s side.  


Student Services
  • The 2024 Student Election was held April 29, 2024, through May 3, 2024, and featured the most competitive election at SRJC in over 14 years. 21 students competed for 11 open positions.  788 students cast their ballot in the election, which is more than twice as many as 2023 and the most votes cast in a Student Election since before the pandemic (2019). The full results can be viewed on the Election Results website. We are excited to welcome our new SGA president, Ruben Garcia, and Student Trustee, Anthony Spinozzi.
  • SRJC's 105th Commencement Ceremony was held on May 25th, and included over 600 graduates and 3,000 friends, family, and SRJC employees in attendance. More than 1500 students received degrees this year. The youngest graduate is 17 years old and the oldest is 71 years young. Additional celebrations included the “Celebrate CE” ceremony on Friday, May 24 at 5 pm in the Haehl Pavilion, which celebrated students who have completed almost 900 Career Education Certificates over the past year. SRJC’s 2024 Commencement Speaker was Mike McGuire who now serves as President pro Tempore of the Senate. Thank you to all who participated and supported commencement!
  • The 36th Annual National Conference on Race & Ethnicity in Higher Education (NCORE) was be held on May 28 to June 1, 2024, at the Hawai‘i Convention Center in Honolulu, Oʻahu. NCORE is recognized as the leading and most comprehensive national forum addressing issues of race and ethnicity in higher education. SRJC sent a team of 15 employees to NCORE, and a delegation of our Courageous Leaders Academy presented their work at a poster session.


Finance & Administrative Services
  • Governor’s 2024/25 Budget: The Governor’s released his May revision to the 2024/25 proposed budget. The highlights include:
    • 1.07% COLA is proposed to be funded for SCFF and select categorical programs (Adult Ed, EOPS, DSPS, Apprenticeship, CalWORKs, mandated costs)
    • 0.50% growth funds
    • Retains the one-time $60M proposed in January to expand nursing
    • Adds $12M one-time to expand eTranscript California program
    • Adds $12M one-time for Common Cloud Data Platform Demonstration project
    • Adds $6M one-time for Mapping Articulated Pathways for Credit for Prior Learning Demonstration project
    • Adds $5M one-time for Pathways for Learners of Low Income Demonstration project
    • Funds the $15M of SRJC State Student Housing Funds from redirected annual rent subsidy funds
    • Commits to another facilities bond
  • The state budget is still in progress, we will keep you updated as more information is known.
  • 2023/24 Audit: The 2023/24 audit season kicked off with a weeklong visit of six auditors onsite to begin interim testing for the District, bond, and Foundation funds during finals week. This is an extensive process that will last until December. There are a large number of areas involved in this process, including Accounting, Payroll, Human Resources, Admissions & Records, Student Financial Services, the Foundation, Purchasing, DRD, Career Education, IT, IERP, Student Life, and so many more. I want to thank Whitney Schultz, Finance Director, for leading the process, and all the audited areas for all the time and effort at the already busy end of semester.  


Human Resources
  • Several representatives from the District attended the 36th Annual National Conference on Race and Ethnicity (NCORE) in Oahu from May 28 through June 1, 2024. The conference goal is to provide opportunities to learn and collaborate with leaders and peers who share the pursuit of nurturing a sense of belonging throughout the realm of higher education; strengthening professional connections and engaging in crucial discussions about race and ethnicity; and reaffirming a commitment to fostering a world that champions educational access and cross-cultural understanding for all. SRJC’s Courageous Leaders Academy was featured as a poster presentation at the conference to share the best practices that have been created with implementation of the academy.


  • The Foundation Board approved the addition of three new Directors.  Ozzy Jimenez, Co-Founder of Noble Folk Ice Cream and Pies; Francisco Lopez, Co-Owner of Aldina Vineyards; and Brian Reeves, Vice President of Sales for the Wine Group, will begin their Board service on July 1. Departing the Board on June 30 will be Kerry Rego, Steve Page and Bill Traverso. 
  • Through the end of April, the Foundation has secured $9.1 million in donations to support scholarships and programs. This is $500,000 better than last year at this same time. We have raised $2.5 million for programs compared to $1.5 last year. 
  • We are looking ahead to Dr. Garcia’s first President’s Address to the Community. This year’s Address will take place on Thursday, September 5th at 3pm. PLEASE SAVE THE DATE. We will gather in Burbank Auditorium for the Address, and then enjoy a reception on the lawn adjacent to Burbank following the program. Admission to Burbank will cost $30, and there will also be a simulcast for students and staff.  


In community,

Dr. Garcia

Angélica Garcia, Ed.D.
707-527-4431, angelicagarcia@santarosa.edu

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