Measure H Capital Improvement Bond 2021-2022 Report to the Community Now Available Online

Santa Rosa campus drone imageJanuary 27, 2023, Santa Rosa, CA - Santa Rosa Junior College (SRJC) In November 2014, Sonoma County residents approved Measure H, a $410 million general obligation bond supporting the students, faculty and staff of the Sonoma County Junior College District by upgrading facilities, modernizing spaces, and enhancing the educational experience for students. The District includes the Santa Rosa campus, the Petaluma Campus, the Southwest Center in Santa Rosa, the Public Safety Training Center in Windsor and Shone Farm in Forestville.

Bond funds may be used for the construction, rehabilitation, or replacement of college facilities, including the furnishing and equipping of those facilities. Bond funds may also be used to acquire real property in support of the college’s educational mission. Bond funds may not be used for operational expenses, such as teacher and administrator salaries, supplies or other operating expenses.

In accordance with bond spending rules, the Sonoma County Junior College District convened a Citizen’s Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC) to keep the public informed. This committee meets quarterly and reviews the Measure H bond expenditures and the annual audit prepared by an independent auditing firm to ensure that funds are spent according to the terms of the ballot language. The CBOC releases an annual report to the community. The 2021-2022 Report to the Community was mailed earlier this month to Sonoma County taxpayers and is also available online:

“When Sonoma County voters approved Measure H,” said SRJC Superintendent Dr. Frank Chong, “we saw evidence of one important reason why our college continues to maintain its enduring legacy of excellence: the support of our local community. Thank you.”

For more information on Measure H, visit

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